30 March 2010

Level 2 Workouts

So we hit the Wendler program hard again. Mike V and I had a good time with dead lifts. I hit up the bench press too. I know a bunch of people will be adding clean and jerk and snatch to their lifts later in the week took as part of Wendler. 5/3/1 works guys. Very very happy with it. OK so we had some other stellar efforts happen as a result of John W fooling around with some heavy rocks...

Atlas Stone Grace:
John: 22 reps 130# stone + 8 reps 150# stone TIME??
Pukie: 30 x 112# stone: 5 something 
Kit: 30 x 112# stone: 8 something
Kerry: 30 x 60# stone: TIME??
Joe A: 30 x 112# stone: TIME??

I wish I had your actual times with me, maybe you guys can fill them out. Let me know if you can't edit these pages and i'll make ya'll admin. 

Kit's Other Lifts
Week One Wendler

5 x 305/325/350(x10)
5 x 155/165/175(x9)

Great day at the box. So glad I was able to catch this L2 class with you guys. Lots of fun!


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