19 April 2010

McGhee - Friday, April 16, 2010

Hero WOD
275# deadlifts, 5 reps
pushups, 13 reps
box jumps, 9 reps

Chris: Tim was counting for me and had 17 rounds. I honestly thought I did way less than that (13, 14ish) but only b/c I thought I was even with Mike F and he ended up with 12 rounds. The deads were by far the hardest, pushups and box jumps were unbroken.

12 April 2010

Great work everyone!

Ladies and Gents,

Great work this past weekend. I had a freaking blast. Really excited about the team too! We've got some strong dudes and some tough as nails girls! We're going to have a blast. For those that didn't compete, thanks everyone for showing up and supporting/judging. Ker, heal up. This is a time for you to learn how to train around an injury, rehab and maintain strength. Do I hear KB snatches with your good arm?

Team, keep training. Start a fresh cycle on the roids (kidding...but seriously...). We're going to rock this. Lots can be learned and gained in a month. We all have little things to work on to make us a very well rounded team....it might even be as little as over coming a fear of carrying your body weight on your back as a result of past traumatic experiences with that much weight on your back (ask John...he had good reason to walk hard on the 400m BW carry wod). Whatever it us, isolate it and include it or progressions into that movement into your every day routine until that weakness becomes a strength.

This I need to work on: Endurance through body weight exercises like Cindy, Murph, Maltz Challenge. Strength to complete JT in under 30 minutes. Shoulder presses, and other upper body movements. Please feel free tell me what you think I should work on too. I am open to critique and since I don't wod with you on a regular basis during the week, our exposure for me to work on things is limited to weekends.

07 April 2010

Kits Wendler

3x180 (6 reps)

Shoulder Press
3x120 (6 reps)

3x370 (5 reps)

I ended up coaching a guy on cleans and ohs' so that was the duration of my workout. Went on a cycle of motrin starting last night, and my knee felt significantly better. So while CherryPharm and Fish oil may work, there is a limit to their magic and thats when generic ibuprofen comes in handy.

06 April 2010

Aimee's birthday wod

2 Rounds for Time:
4 Muscle ups
6 Hand Stand Push-ups
19 GHD Sit-ups
78 Double Unders

4 Cleans (*120#/190#)
6 Front Squats (*120#/190#)
19 GHD Back Extensions
78 Air Squats

Nikki: 15:43
Aimee: 15:51
Plentus: 20:53
Jason: 20:42
Miranda: 24:48
Mike B: 26:13
Kerry: Ouchie
Mike V: 22:!5
Todd: 27:15
Pukie*2: 24:58
Shawn: 30:50

Chris - the cleans were 5# below my 1 rep PR, so I was happy with getting it done. Ended up doing an extra clean (crossfit math sucks) and dropping bar during 2nd set of front squats. Legs are toast.

05 April 2010

L2 workout

Plentus of Front squats

L2 WOD by Pukie:
Max bodyweight deadlifts in 3 min.
Aimee: 55
Warnek: 71
Rob: 37
Laura: 38
Plentus: 64
Tom: 30
Kerry: 30
Joe: 37
Pukie: 43
Nikki: 42

01 April 2010

March 31-Snatch Work

From Catalyst Athletics March 8th Post
Week 1 of a 10 Week Cycle

Snatch - 75% (125#) x 1 x 3
Snatch pull - 90% (150#) (of snatch) x 3 x 3
Snatch deadlift - 100% (165#) x 3 x 3
Front squat - 75% (215#) x 3 x 5; follow each set immediately with 3 box jumps
GHD sit-ups - 50 total

Shoulder Press
Reps Weight
5x 105
5x 105
5x 115 

This was a pretty solid lift. My legs were struggling. I donno if I'm going to do my back squat for Wendler after this. Those front squats were killer. I'd forgotten how brutal they are. I haven't done just a front squat in almost a year. Looks like they're going back in the rotation. 

Breakfast of champions

30 March 2010

Level 2 Workouts

So we hit the Wendler program hard again. Mike V and I had a good time with dead lifts. I hit up the bench press too. I know a bunch of people will be adding clean and jerk and snatch to their lifts later in the week took as part of Wendler. 5/3/1 works guys. Very very happy with it. OK so we had some other stellar efforts happen as a result of John W fooling around with some heavy rocks...

Atlas Stone Grace:
John: 22 reps 130# stone + 8 reps 150# stone TIME??
Pukie: 30 x 112# stone: 5 something 
Kit: 30 x 112# stone: 8 something
Kerry: 30 x 60# stone: TIME??
Joe A: 30 x 112# stone: TIME??

I wish I had your actual times with me, maybe you guys can fill them out. Let me know if you can't edit these pages and i'll make ya'll admin. 

Kit's Other Lifts
Week One Wendler

5 x 305/325/350(x10)
5 x 155/165/175(x9)

Great day at the box. So glad I was able to catch this L2 class with you guys. Lots of fun!


Monday 29 March Classtime WOD

W.O.D. 3.29.10

Five rounds for time of:
40 Double-unders
30 Box jumps, (25/21 inch box)
20 Kettlebell swings, (55#/35#)

Rxtra Credit
Tim M: 46:36 (70#KB)
Swine: 19:49 (20# vest)
Kit: 21:29 (20# vest)

Mike B: 25:30
Shawn: 29:31
Aimee: 14:42
Laura: 19:08
Kerry: 19:47
Mike V: 24:18
Nikki: 16:49
Pukie*6+: 29:06
Plentus: 18:04

Again, my take on that weight vest....it sucks! Sucks to jump, sucks to breathe, sucks to move in it. Probably one of the harder WOD's i've done since sectionals.

26 March 2010

Questions from Kit

For some reason I couldn't answer your questions below, so here they are:

1. What do you do when you lose motivation and need to push/light a fire under you?

Chris: honestly it's hard if I don't have that motivation. Something that does motivate me is other people watching. Doing that vest wod made me want to do my best.

2. What is your favorite cheat meal?

Chris: After sectionals, I had pizza and a chicken finger hoagie. The day after I had chinese food. I like ice cream too.

3. How much rest did you take after Sectionals?

Chris: I actually wanted to do Filthy Fifty the day after but decided against it. Then I got sick, so basically a whole week. Then came back and pr'd on the C&J and sumo deadlift, so if a week off is what it takes, then I'll do it! (minus the sick)

25 March 2010

Training Around an Injury

Okkk, Okkk...so my knee isn't injured, just hurt a bit. I grazed it against a rock during a trail run last weekend...and by grazed, I mean I dive bombed it straight into the top of a rock and have been nursing it a bit for a few days. Squats, oly, deads, etc are no good right now. So what to do? What to do? Time to get creative...

3 Rounds for Time

250m Row
15 Sledge Hammers (16# Hammer on a tire, alternate hands)
15 GHD Situps
5 Muscle ups + 3 Ring Dips per MU
15 KB Swings (55# KB)
15 Ring Push Ups

Time: 20:45

This worked out pretty well for me throughout the work out. My knee didn't bother me, no real heavy loads. I worked upper body and was able to get a met-con style wod in. 

24 March 2010

KoP Level 2 Studs

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Here we have an opportunity. An opportunity to continue in the CrossFit spirit of open information and sharing training ideas...but for the truly badass. My goal for this is to enable us to post our workouts which we do Rx+, Rx'd in a ridiculous time, or just plain old additional supplemental training. I realize we are all competing against each other individually, and we know what our own personal strengths and weaknesses are, but sometimes we need to see a bit of someone else's creativity in order to spark our own. We are also all trying to create a team to represent our gym and the product that Aimee has created.

Here is how I see this going down. I will make as many people who want to be authors for this blog. Someone posts their workout for the day and then the next person will be able to go into the page, edit the post, and ADD their name and workout for the day. We will also use this to post the L2 workouts and times after the workout has been done. Since I will not be able to personally be there for the L2 workouts, and I assume some of you might not be able to make it either at one point or another, we will be able to try to complete the WOD on our own, and have a basis of comparison. Honestly, it just lets CP and Swine guinea pig the wods for me so I know how many reps more I have to do or how many seconds faster I have to get it...ha! Love you guys... My other goal is to get Sam to post to the blog. I know Aimee has been working on this for over a year and Sam spottings are a rare occurrence on the CF Kop blog.

On posting. I will make you guys "Authors" and "Admin". You can also post via email by sending an email with your post in the body to:


Give it a shot, see what happens.

As this site progresses, I will add links, and hopefully make this a much more formal/official blog like Aimee's and CP's.

Ok, now I must go ice my knee. Good night!