26 March 2010

Questions from Kit

For some reason I couldn't answer your questions below, so here they are:

1. What do you do when you lose motivation and need to push/light a fire under you?

Chris: honestly it's hard if I don't have that motivation. Something that does motivate me is other people watching. Doing that vest wod made me want to do my best.

2. What is your favorite cheat meal?

Chris: After sectionals, I had pizza and a chicken finger hoagie. The day after I had chinese food. I like ice cream too.

3. How much rest did you take after Sectionals?

Chris: I actually wanted to do Filthy Fifty the day after but decided against it. Then I got sick, so basically a whole week. Then came back and pr'd on the C&J and sumo deadlift, so if a week off is what it takes, then I'll do it! (minus the sick)


  1. I wish I'd taken that much time off. I took it easy, with some running wod's like griff, and then I think Murph Rx was in there....both terrible decisions...quad burners for sure. I did PR on my 5K row though, but that was by the end of the week. Then i rocked my knee against that rock on sunday and now its a whole new recovery ball game.

  2. Shit talking! Nice blog posts Kit.

  3. Well I finally figured out how to get into this thing. Thats a step in the right direction!


Training ideas, WOD suggestions, and plain old shit talking.